Fighting Pain and Limitations with Mara Kimowitz
Mara Kimowitz, founder of StretchSource, joins the show today to share a bit of her passion for stretch therapy, contrast therapy, and Pilates. She sheds light on the key roles of these therapies and how they are transformative to personal health. You will also hear about who StretchSource serves and how they are able to provide services that can make clients happy without pain or limitation.
Listen in as Mara breaks down the importance of having unique, privacy-oriented, and inclusive services that can help a wide range of needs. She also gives us a glimpse into her own career journey and the hurdles she has faced along the way. You will get great insight into time management techniques, building appropriate boundaries, and more.
Listen To The Episode Here:
What You’ll Learn:
- What Pilates, stretch therapy, and contrast therapy are and how important they are to health.
- The value of individualized therapy experiences.
- Why it’s so important to stretch and how it keeps people out of pain.
- How Mara handles her time limitations as a business owner.
- The challenges that she’s faced throughout her career.
- Her plan for retirement.
Ideas Worth Sharing:
“Our practice and the services we provide – we really take pride in making them adaptable for all people.” - Mara Kimowitz
“Once they start stretching with us, they get out of pain and they often don’t need surgery.” - Mara Kimowitz
“I have to be able to allocate my time to my business. I have a very specific amount of time and am very clear about where my boundaries are and what I’m able to accomplish.” - Mara Kimowitz
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